Friday, October 30, 2015

John 12:12-19

John 12:12-19

Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  Once again fulfilling prophesy. Once again the Pharisees were stymied as they were losing power and influence over the people.

Knowing that a conqueror rides a stallion and a leader offering peace rides a donkey, Jesus was showing them that he was offering peace.

What do I do with God's offer of peace?

Thursday, October 29, 2015

John 12:1-10

John 12:1-10

Mary poured expensive perfume on Jesus and wiped them with her hair.

Judas complained about the waste.

The leaders plotted to kill Lazarus too since people believed in Jesus as a result of his resurrection.

Mary is my example of showing Christ's value.

Judas is my example of one who loved money, not people.

The Jewish leaders are the example of what happens when people try to "help" God when they feel he is being dishonored.

I feel I play all three roles in my daily walk.  Sometimes I value God.  Other times I value money.  And then there are days when I know what is best and I "help".

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

John 11:45-57

John 11:45-57

Many believed in Jesus because of his raising Lazarus. Still others ran and told the leaders.  It makes me wonder what people believe when they see what I do. I may be the only Jesus that a person sees in their life.

The chief priest prophesied that Jesus would die.  This is the first time I really read this and had this part stand out.  These guys must have really thought they were doing God's will.  They plotted to kill him.

Now Jesus ministry became more withdrawn.  In the previous chapters were learned that no one could touch Jesus because it was not his time and he was doing the will of God.  However, God did give us a brain. We, like Jesus need to use it.  We don't purposely put ourselves out there to be killed, unless we are very sure this is what God wants from us.

Friday, October 23, 2015

John 11:38-44

John 11:38-44

God heard Jesus' prayer and Jesus knew it.  God raise Lazarus from the dead.

God hears my prayers.  What can I encounter that is harder than raising the dead?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

John 11:17-37

John 11:17-37
25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.Do you believe this?”

I noticed today the second half where Jesus says "whoever LIVES by believing".  Now I ask myself, if Christ is my reason for living.  I don't like my answer.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

John 11:1-16

John 11:1-16

Jesus had legitimate friends that he loved and cared about.  Yet even they took back seat to God's plan for Christ's life.

Everything he did, he did to teach the disciples and for the love of his father.

What are my motives?

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

John 10:22-42

John 10:22-42

The people wanted Jesus to plainly tell them he was the Messiah. The problem is, they had a flawed view of the Messiah and Jesus did not fit their vision.  Therefore when he answered them, they accused him of blaspheming. Once again, they failed in their attempt to kill him.

One thing that just came to mind.  I've known it for years, but it's one of this A-ha moments.  Christ did not die till he gave himself up.  He surrendered. He sacrificed himself.  It was not a victory for the Jewish leaders.

Monday, October 19, 2015

John 10:1-21

John 10:1-21

Jesus is the good shepard. He willingly laid down his life for me. He wants what is best for me.  All others offer good, but only seek to destroy.

Friday, October 16, 2015

John 9:35-41

John 9:35-41

Jesus spoke to the man who had been healed and when he revealed himself the man believed and worshiped him.  Jesus said he came to make the blind see and the seeing blind.  When some Pharisees asked if they were blind too, Jesus replied that if they were they would not be guilty.

The man did not know who Jesus was.  Once he did he believed.  The Pharisees, knew who and where the Messiah was supposed to come.  They should have recognized him.  However they were blind with power and therefore guilty.

How much more guilty am I?  I have the word of God AND the Holy Spirit, yet I continually reject God's authority in my life.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

John 9:13-34

John 9:13-34

The leaders asked the man how he gained his sight.  They did not believe him.  They asked his parents, who confirmed he was blind, but how he gained his sight was not for them to say.  They asked him again and again they refused to believe him.  They through him out because his answers did not match their preconceived conclusions.

As one who is to testify on what Christ has done, I may not have all the answers.  I can only be a witness to what Christ has done for me.  Some folks will just never believe because they have already made up their minds.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

John 9:1-12

John 9:1-12

The disciples asked why the man was blind.  It was believed that infirmities like that were punishment for sins of the parents or himself.  Jesus explained that sometimes things happen so that God can do great things. Then he healed the man.

Jesus also spoke of doing things now while it was light.

Dear God I have wasted so much time.  There is still light here in America and I am still free to share your gospel, yet I don't.  I can feel the time slipping away.  Help me not to waste anymore.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

John 8:48-59

John 8:48-59

The people accused Jesus of being a Samaritan, (a group hated by Jews because they were half Jews).  They accused him of being possessed.  Yet he knew who he was and held his ground.  He claimed to be God when he said "I am".  Once again they tried to kill him.  Once again they failed.

In Christ I cannot be stopped.  That does not mean I won't have troubles, but no man can stop me from doing the will of God.

Friday, October 9, 2015

John 8:31-47

John 8:31-47

If you hold to Christ's teaching.  THAT'S the proof of discipleship.  THEN you will know the truth and be free.

The people claim to be followers of Abraham, yet they were trying to kill Jesus.  Jesus knew the word that was given to Abraham, before he was born.  Therefore these people were not following Abraham, but they were following the devil.

If the Son sets me free I am free.

Those who belong to God will hear him.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

John 8:21-30

John 8:21-30

Jesus told them he would go where they could not go.  Unless they believed in Him they would die in their sins.

Jesus story never changed (vs25)

Jesus prophesied of his death in vs 28 as proof that he only does the will of the Father.

Believe in Christ.
Tell the truth.
Do the will of the heavenly Father.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

John 8:12-20

John 8:12-20

The leaders were judging by human standards.  Jesus spoke as the Son of God.  His witness was God himself.  Even though this made the leaders mad, they did not touch him.  His time was not up.

Watching the evening news infuriates me. Seeing leaders do clueless things, or worse doing it with the full knowledge of what damage it will cause, makes my blood pressure go up.  God has a plan.  He is the one witness who's testimony matters.  Live for Him and work out His plan.  No one can touch me outside of His will.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

John 8:1-11

John 8:1-11

A woman caught in adultery was brought before Jesus to trap him.  One question pointed out to me years ago, "Where was the man she was caught with?".

The leaders "reminded" Jesus of the law that commanded she be stoned to death.  Jesus said, "Any without sin can throw the first stone."  The crowd left.  Jesus, the ONLY one without sin, did not condemn her.  He encouraged her to leave her life of sin.

There are clear guidelines to approaching a brother/sister in Christ about their sin found in Matthew 18.  We check our own hearts first and then humbly approach that brother for the purpose of restoration.  Out side the church, we're not to judge people.  We're to love them and bring them to Christ so they can receive the same forgiveness we have received.  I was a sinner.  Now, though I still battle with sin, I am a saint before God.  Forgiven.

Monday, October 5, 2015

John 7:45-53

John 7:45-53
The leaders refused to believe. They did not even want to hear Jesus out.

I get angry when I read about the arrogance of the Jewish leaders.  yet how am I any different in my rejeciton of God?  I know more of him than they did, yet I still reject him.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

John 7:25-44

John 7:25-44

People argued over who Jesus was.  Despite their attempts to catch him they failed because it was not his time.  Some believed.  Others wanted to kill him.

There is a plan God has for me.  Nothing can happen to me outside that plan.  My job is to seek His plan for me.

Friday, October 2, 2015

John 7:14-24

John 7:14-24

Jesus did what he did for God's glory and with His authority.  When one acts alone he does so for his own glory.

The crowds judged Jesus for healing on the Sabboth, yet these same folk would perform a circumcision to fulfill the Sabboth. Jesus pointed out their hypocrisy and told them to judge more rightly.

I need to think of my motives.  I have to continue giving grace to others and not judge their motives.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

John 7:1-13

John 7:1-13
Jesus' brothers tried to get him to go to the festival and make a public political appearance.  He refused because it was not his time.  He did go secretly.  The leaders sought him.  Some thought him good and some thought him a deceiver.

Jesus had a mission from God.  He was not here for his own self promotion.  He followed God's plan and paid no mind to what family, leaders or crowds thought.

Oh that I could do the same.